looked in the reflection... saw u in pain.. saw an emblem.. of the past which is just so hard to explain.. i break the mirror.. and i am blinded by tears.. waves of guilt cross over my tormented soul, the endless queries.. shower in my wits.. can i not assist? am i a hinderance? is this de ja vu? or is it poles apart? i wish ur sores to be over.. i wish you to just trust me.. because i know.. the map of your present path.. its the map..which has been engraved in my mind because once.. i was walking down the same conduit, and once the same stones hit me.. and because once..i fell down right where you are standing and that one had come along to rescue me.. now its my turn.. ill pick you up.. on the same track.. where i once.., broke down..!! p.s: something once written by me, it was written before i realized ...that i did help, not by doing something for you. but just by always being there...:)